Associate for Gancayco Balasbas & Associates (November 2008-Present)
Work is mainly litigation (civil and special civil actions, criminal, labor, and litigation in other quasi-judicial agencies). Work includes court appearances, drafting pleadings, (i.e., initiatory pleadings, petitions, appeals, etc.), research, contract reviews, drafting legal opinions, interviewing prospective clients, legal consultations, affidavit making among others.
Work includes handling the firm’s Intellectual Property cases.
Attended the Asian Patent Attorney Association (APAA)’s 59th Council Meeting hosted by the Philippines [November 2011].
Attended the Asian Patent Attorney Association (APAA)’s 60th and 61st Council Meetings held at Chiang Mai, Thailand [October 2012].
Attended the IPOPHL Trade Related Technical Assistance Project, Advocacy on the Accession to the Madrid Protocol at the IPOPHL Multipurpose Hall, Taguig City [29 May 2012]
Included in the IPOPHL list of Intellectual Property Attorneys who have Completed the Training Courses on the Madrid Protocol
Intellectual Property Association of the Philippines [IPAP] Lecture Series, Intellectual Property Rights in the Digital Environment at Sycip Law Center, 105 Paseo De roxas Street, Makati City [8 October 2012]
Law Intern for the UP Office of the Legal Aid as part of the UP Law curriculum (June 2007-March 2008)
Work included drafting pleadings and written motions, interviewing prospective clients, affidavit making, appearing in courts and/or before prosecutors
Law Intern for Atty. Evalyn G. Ursua for the Subic Rape Case (May-December 2006)
Work included drafting pleadings and written motions, attending the trials, preparing witnesses, registered and personal service and filing of pleadings, affidavit making
Juris Doctor, UP College of Law, University of the Philippines, Diliman (2008)
BA Philosophy, College of Social Sciences and Philosophy, University of the Philippines, Diliman (2004)
High School Diploma, School of the Holy Spirit of Quezon City (2000)